
Showing posts from July, 2019

Communication Habits That Truly Matter in the Digital Age

In the digital age, leaders have an even greater responsibility to communicate clear, consistent, and focused messages that point to short- and long-term goals for the entire company. Great leaders go further and aren't afraid to overcommunicate. They understand that stating and restating things will clarify strategy and keep the team focused on the "why" behind their work, and on what really matters. Since tech rules our lives, I offer four practical things to make you a better human leader. Find the four habits HERE ! (Article by  Marcel Schwantes )

Welcome to our Blog!

We've created this Blogger to showcase our team members, provide other professionals with business tips, and highlight our recent travels and adventures! Check back monthly and read our newest posts! A LITTLE ABOUT US: Located in San Antonio, Texas Global Consulting is a modern retail marketing and sales firm representing billion-dollar brands! Open since August 2016, we are expanding and making a huge mark on the community. How? We are more than just a marketing and sales company; Texas Global Consulting is in the business of providing opportunities to its people and clients for never-ending growth and expansion.